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It's been a hot minute

Well it's been about an age since I last posted- literally, I'm a whole year older now than I was last time I made a blog.

Since my last post, I've opened an ungodly amount of art subscription boxes- which I'm looking forward to sharing with you soon. I've also been fine tuning my packaging and as sad as it might sound, making practice orders for friends and family to see how well my products travel in the post.

I've been debating overhauling this website, for a fresher look and perhaps more illustrative and less 2010's Tumblr.


On a more serious and not shop update-y note, I took some time out, away from art, social media and anything I possibly could.

I received a phone call, which will now have been weeks ago to inform me that a friend at died. Honestly with Covid it was very surreal, not being able to go to my friends and be there and grieve with them. Watching my friend's funeral through a phone, knowing that it was a recording and had happened hours or days before.

I miss her. I miss sitting close to her at university. I miss going down in the lift together for a 'dirty cuppa' (cheap tea). I miss how confident she was- it was infectious. I miss her laughing when I said she needed to be my match maker, and her just responding that she was asexual. I miss her cat Chewie. I miss the look on her face when I bought her a spider plant as a thank you for inviting me. I miss complimenting her outfits and her just grinning ear to ear and saying it was from the ASOS men's section. I miss her voice, and how unapologetically Northern she was.

We might not have been the closest of friends, (I tend to pull away and feel like I am being a burden, or that people hang out with me out of pity), but I still treasure the memories of her and I hope she knows that. That I would have loved to see her more and wherever she is she's happy. I hope they have the biggest printing press, the most amazing inks, the best tattoo parlour, a whole shop which is ASOS mens, so much hot tea you could swim in it and that her leg no longer hurts.

I won't post your name out of love and respect to you and your family, but I wanted so say that I love you and you are and always will be a dear friend. Until we see each other again.

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